Remove Watcher Access to Team Rooms


Once Team Room Watcher Access is granted to a manager by a Company Administrator or by the team owner, it can be removed by them easily using the Teams app.

It should be noted that managers get automatic Team Watcher access in the following cases, and there isn't a way to prevent or remove this access:

  • If the manager is a company admin, it gives them watcher access to ALL team rooms
  • If the manager has a direct report in the team room
  • If one of the manager's direct reports have a direct report in the team room (and so on - this also applies if any contractor under the manager in the hierarchy is in the team room)


  • Must be Team Room Owner or Company Administrator



  1. Open the Teams app.
  2. Click on the Team Room name in the left column.


  3. Click on the Settings button.


  4. Click on the trash can icon next to the manager's name:

    Please notice that the names that don't have a trash icon next to them are the watchers that are added automatically and cannot be removed manually. They will be removed automatically if the condition is no longer met, viz: the company administrator role is removed, and/or they no longer have direct reports / direct reports of direct reports / direct contractors on the team.

  5. There will be no message and the manager will be removed immediately.



The manager won't be included in the Watchers list, you can confirm following these steps:

  1. Open the Teams app.
  2. Click on the Team Room name in the left column.


  3. Click on the Settings button.


  4. The manager won't be listed under the Watchers section. 



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