Setup Activities and Manager Plan


Managers can setup new activities and define the plan that's expected for their team's contractors based on the activities categorization. This plan of the day is used to define the focus and alignment scores under the activities contractor's dashboard.

While defining new activities or editing existing ones, you can add or remove applications that fall under those activities by default.



  • Manager role with direct contractors



  1. Select the Activities application from your Crossover dashboard.


  2. Select the Time view.


  3. Navigate to PLAN OF THE DAY calendar.


    Note: if there was a previous team room owner and you are now assigned to this team, the plan defined by the previous manager won't be available and you will need to define a new one.

  4. For adding a new timeslot, select the blank timeframes.


  5. For editing and existing timeslot, just select the desired hour/s and activity.


  6. As soon as you have made the above choice (step 5 or 6), you will have the ability to replace the activity group, edit the activity group, or to add the new activity.
    1. For replacing the activity group: you will already have the previous name (e.g. Support, as you have selected the time slot in step 6). Select the arrow next to the activity name and choose the new activity:

    2. For editing the activity group: you will already have the previous name (e.g. Support, as you have selected the time slot in step 6). Select the arrow next to the activity name and choose the same activity and click the edit button:
      The edit menu will appear and you can now delete the previous sub-activity or search for new ones to be added.

    3. For adding a new activity group: select the new activity button:
      Type the activity name:
      Search and define the applications that will be part of the new activity (e.g. Zoom):
      Save your changes:


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Follow the steps 1-3 from the solution to access the PLAN OF THE DAY calendar. You can click on any of the updated activities (new or existing ones) and confirm the available applications that you configured in step 6 from the solution.


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