Bootcamp program is a created by Crossover to offer the participants the opportunity to show their skills in real life scenarios. The program also provides exposure to the actual work within ESW Capital and enables the candidates to learn everything required to be successful in their role as part of the hiring process. This article answers the commonly asked questions about the program.
Will I have to attend the Bootcamp?
Not all the job roles require the candidates to participate in the Bootcamp program. The requirement to participate in the program will be based on the job role that you have applied for.
When is the Bootcamp program held?
After you successfully complete the hiring tests, receive the initial job offer and fulfil the other requirements such as PCCAT for candidates, if your job role requires you to attend the Bootcamp program, then you will be offered the opportunity to participate in the program. The bootcamp program starts from your first day of the work and lasts for the first week to a month (duration based on job role).
Will I be paid during the program?
Yes, you will be paid the full-time rate for 40 hours/week for the duration of the Bootcamp based on the job role subject to actual hours worked.
What happens after the program?
Once the Bootcamp program and the subsequent tests are complete, the candidate is evaluated for the position based on the actual performance demonstrated. After the successfully evaluation, the candidates are graduated from the program and can proceed to start in their job role.
What happens if I fail the program?
The candidates that do not pass the Bootcamp for their role, will not be able to continue with the job offer.
Additionally, in case of any evidence of fraud during the Bootcamp, the individual may also be blacklisted and never allowed to apply again.
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