Contractors may want to view the details of their current and past assignments with Crossover. This information could be needed for any number of reasons including tax purposes, housing or loan applications, or even other job prospects.
1. Log in to the Crossover Portal with your credentials.
2. Click on your user avatar at the top right of the screen.
3. Click on You to expand the selection.
4. Click on Assignments.
The next screen will show you your current and past assignments with important information about each.
That solution does not work. There's no "You" option in the menu under the avatar/"Welcome, [name]" .The only available options are "Profile" and "Log out"
Hi Crossover,
I have opted for PayToQuit program in Skyvera which is volunteer resign program LWD is still not get. But I just to know How can I get Reliving cum Experience letter which show me the duration of working in Skyvera(CrossOver)?
Please let me know so that I can show that letter to new employers.
Nitesh Kumar
Crossover User ID: 1191079
Hi Crossover team i am having the same issue for experience letter
Hi Crossover,
I have also opted for PayToQuit program in Skyvera. Please guide me how to get the Relieving cum Experience letter ?
Please let me know as soon as possible.
Maria Aquil
Email: mariaaquil09@gmail.com
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